Forward + MaxMedia, innovating with courage.

Our client’s success is our success—good thing we love to brag on ‘em.

Create with courage
2 min readJun 1, 2021


MaxMedia client Forward is no stranger to success.

Over nearly 30 years, Forward has established 93 terminals where air freight is forwarded on the ground by truck. Over short distances, Forward replicates aircraft schedules with more reliability, at a much lower cost, and with a far reduced environmental impact. And while their air-freight business expanded across the nation, they also expanded into new service categories: high-precision execution, final-mile door-to-door deliveries, and deliveries to fashion retailers at the mall and residential customers.

So, they’ve been busy.

And a big part of Forward’s success is the leadership of CEO Tom Schmitt, a contribution detailed in the latest issue of CEO magazine. He may have been chair and CEO for less than three years, but Tom is familiar with Forward’s decades of success and he aims to build on that for years to come.

“People, Service, Profit” a profile of Forward CEO Tom Schmitt in this month’s issue of CEO Magazine.

MaxMedia is excited to help Forward create their next generation of indispensable solutions and advance their ambitious business goals while exceeding industry expectations and making their clients’ jobs better.

Tom’s vision for Forward is really exciting. He’s assembled the right people to position Forward as a tech leader and to redefine innovation and customer experience across their whole industry.

— Keehln Wheeler, President/CEO, MaxMedia

MaxMedia innovates with courage. Because knowing how your customers feel and knowing what they need makes for better solutions. And knowing what’s important to you makes us better partners.

Check out CEO Magazine’s profile of Forward CEO Tom Schmitt.

MaxMedia is an innovation agency whose nimble and diverse team of creatives and technologists use empathy and design-thinking to create killer solutions for real problems.

We’re excited to show you how our nimble and diverse team of creative problem solvers (with their fingers on design thinking, custom development, motion graphics, and rapid prototyping) is the right team to help you. Because we do a lot more than just create beautiful, functional solutions — and that “lot more” informs how we approach every problem — including yours.

Contact us for a free remote consultation with our design and innovation leaders to see how we can help you and your company bring your visions to life and be more innovative than ever.

Let’s get started!



Create with courage

An innovation agency whose nimble and diverse team of creatives and technologists use empathy and design-thinking to create killer solutions for real problems.